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Creating Lavender Candles

white and purple lavender candles, lavender bunch, candle wax

When we first got started on creating products from our farm-grown lavender, we decided that lavender-scented candles would be a beautiful addition to the Wānaka Lavender Farm shop.

Our goal was to make the candles as natural as possible, hence they only contain two ingredients. We refined the process to create these gorgeous and calming candles over time right here on the farm.

The lavender candles are just what we envisioned; they smell divine and are a popular product in the shop.

pouring the hot lavender candle liquid into jars

Candle-making isn’t as complex as whipping up some of our other products, but don't be fooled into thinking they're quick and mess-free... there is certainly a knack to it!

First, we mix the ingredients, which is Soy Wax and Wānaka Lavender Farm 100% Pure Lavender Oil, and heat them up. For the purple candles, we also add colouring.

It wasn’t a straight forward process getting our lavender candles to look the part. We needed to decide on the shade of purple for the coloured one, it took some experimenting to get it just right.

testing lavender colouring

When the ingredients are mixed and are hot enough, we pour the liquid into jars that we've already assembled with wicks. This takes precision and patience, especially when making a big batch. It’s important to keep the wick central so that it doesn’t ruin the experience when you light it.

An important step after this is letting the candles cool for an appropriate amount of time, and in the right place. You would be forgiven for thinking the tricky bit is over after pouring but where the candles set can determine whether they look flawless or a little patchy/discoloured. This is because the temperature of the room can affect the mixture as it is drying. After each candle is inspected and has a lid on, we add the final touch: our label. They are now complete and ready to go onto the shelf.

Our hand-made candles will no doubt end up creating a soothing atmosphere in your house by releasing a beautiful lavender aroma. They are also a good choice for a luxurious gift for someone special, or as a little thank you. You can find them in our farm shop or online.


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