Lavender is an ancient plant that has been used over the centuries by many cultures for a variety of purposes. From the Romans taking advantage of its anti-septic abilities to Egyptians using it as perfume (and for mummification!).
Today, at the Wānaka Lavender Farm, we love coming up with creative ways to use our favourite fragrant flower. Here are some of Lavender's most popular uses, and what makes it such a versatile plant...
A Fragrance
Lavender has a unique floral aroma which makes it a dreamy perfume to wear through the day. It is also the perfect plant to fragrance your clothes or to fill a space with its rich, sweet-smelling aroma.
An unexpected benefit of using lavender in this way is that it may act as a repellant since flies, mosquitos and other bugs don’t enjoy it as much as us humans.
Bringing Flavour
Lavender is a delicate flavour that can be used in similar ways to rosemary; it helps cut through harsh tones of meats and lifts the overalls flavour of the dish. Or, in contrast, it is a wonderful, light ingredient to add into baking. Not only can the dried flowers be incorporated into food, but its oil can also be useful in this way.
Culinary lavender flowers can also be a great addition in beverages such as syrups or cocktails.
*Only specific varieties of lavender can be used as flavouring, always make sure you are using culinary lavender as a food additive/flavouring and in very small amounts.
Help Us Relax
Lavender is well-known to be a plant containing calming properties. It can be used in oils, balms and creams to relieve symptoms of headaches, stress, anxiety, sleeplessness and tension.
One way of utilising the natural calming effect of lavender is to drop a little of its oil onto your pillow at night, and it will aid you to sleep. Another way is to drink a steaming cup of lavender tea.
Appreciate its beauty
We may be bias here, but we think Lavender is one of the prettiest plants out there. Looking upon the tidy rows of purple haze mid-summer makes us smile, and they always look dashing as part of flower arrangements and decorations too.
Even dried, lavender flowers can maintain their good looks and sweet perfume.
To Soothe
The antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties in lavender may be able to relieve some of the discomfort of bites, stings and minor burns. It is as simple as adding a drop of lavender oil on the (closed) wound.
Lavender is believed to be beneficial to use on scars as well, in some situations helping to erase the discolouration and blemishes.
For The Skin
Lavender is a gentle flower that is a powerful ingredient in many skincare products. It has been known to assist the skin in healing and producing a natural glow.
A few potential benefits of using lavender on your skin are; reducing wrinkles, even out skin tone/blotches/redness, lessening acne and their scarring, as well as detoxifying.
A crafting material
Lavender is a pretty useful flower to use in arts and crafts, too! There are many glamorous DIY projects you could use lavender for, such as; flower wreaths, wands, dryer bags, eye pillows, scrubs.
At the farm, we are always trying new ways of using lavender in a creative way.
With so many beneficial qualities, it‘s not surprising that lavender holds a special place in our hearts!